Nutraceutical Retail Chain Advances Its Online Presence With ScaleUp42's Enhanced E-commerce Solution


About Natures Source

Nature’s Source is an award winning, full service natural dispensary specializing in nutraceuticals, sports nutrition products, natural health & beauty products and professional naturopathic and homeopathic products.

ScaleUp42’s Objectives

  • Enhance online store performance
  • Improve bounce rates and conversion rates
  • Expand and optimize sales channels
  • Increase overall customer acquisition rate
  • Increase average customer value


  • Google Merchant Center & Shopping Ads
  • SEO
  • Social Media Ads
  • Active Campaign Eblasts & Automations
  • Shopify E-commerce Store & Apps

Outcome Summary


Conversion Rate


Email Revenue


New Customer Acquisition


Basket Value


Organic Sales for Top Sellers


Return of Ad Spend

Key Challenges

  • Online store was performing below expected industry standards despite a visible overall industry growth in online sales due to COVID.
  • Bounce rate was high and the conversion rate was low. This was mainly attributed to poor user experience on both desktop and mobile.
  • Various sales channels like Google Shopping and Merchant Centre were non-existent, which created increased dependencies on captive users and email lists.
  • Email acquisition channels created negative growth as the unsubscribe rate was higher than the new subscription rate.
  • Overall customer acquisition rate was below that of industry standards, which kept the company from acquiring new market share.

Our Strategy

Web Development

  • Migrated from Magento to Shopify
  • Developed advanced user workflows to enhance customer experience on desktop & mobile
  • Researched and integrated shopify apps, and developed workflows, with triggers that enhanced customer interactions and in-platform actions.
  • Integrated automations that allowed us to capture emails.


  • Shortlisted keywords, web pages and collections
  • Developed SEO growth strategies; technical and content

Social Media

  • Developed audiences to run social ads
  • Created offers to attract users and sign up for giveaways

Email Automation

  • Applied mutil-level automated email targeting strategy
  • Developed segmented E-Blast strategy and targeted intended users with relevant messaging,
  • EBlast timing tests: Ran multiple tests to identifythe best times to send eblasts
  • A/B Testing for subject lines, timing and content.

Google Ads

  • Developed phased digital marketing strategy with KPIs
  • Activated Google Shopping tools, with Custom Labels for targeted marketing.
  • Developed an optimal mix of Search text and Shopping Ads.


Ecommerce Site Performance

Conversion rate increased from 2.19% to 3.14% Basket value increased from $98 to $115 Monthly revenue increased by +20%

Google Shopping

Contributes +43% of total online revenue Return on Ad Spend increased from 3x to +7x

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Sales of top selling products & categories increased by +20% from organic search

Email Automation

Open rate increased from 13% to +23% Revenue contribution of email campaigns (eBlasts & Automations) increased from $72K to +$117K


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